Industry of Guilt Gallery

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The industry photography & Art Site

This web site has a selection of Photography and art from the industry of guilt ( from a range people all on the theme of Guilt!

The Industry of Guilt is a modern invention, but it has always been with us. Incapacitated? Socially dislocated? Emotionally masturbated? Whatever state of mine attracts you at this time, the Industry of Guilt brings you the most sumptuous pieces of guilt to consume..


The Industry of Guilt web site

The Industry of Guilt Authors and Artists

James Higgerson

Gregory Anderson

Ed Parker

Gary Duncan

Nicola L Robinson

Sara Pemberton

Catherine Preston

Paul rooney

Andrew Gilmore

Emilia di Girolamo



Thanks for dropping by and taking a look please have a look at the industry of guilt main site or myspace page
industry of guilt copyright2006


The Industry of Guilt is....

1) A literary and art project of short stories for published and aspiring writers.
2) An sociable project exploring the virus marketing of the internet.
3) A philosophical project disregarding the grand narratives we all hold - our celebrity sense of self (c) 2006..
4) it has now taken on the photography & Art world all adding to the industry of guilt
please sign the guest book


"Fantastic - incisive, provoking and engaging. A unique anthology of modern living." - Tony Petch

"Thought-provoking, seething with dark humour, and an important addition to your bookmarks." - Lisa Tenzin-Dolma

Upload your guilty pics here!
